Field of Application

2021/12/07 14:27


In the chemical and petroleum sectors, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are mostly liquids, while the production of raw materials into semi-finished products and finished products requires a complex process, pumps are used in these processes to transport liquids and provide the pressure and flow of chemical reactions. In addition, pumps are used to regulate temperature in many installations.

In agricultural production, the pump is the main drainage and irrigation machinery. China’s rural area is vast, every year in rural areas need a large number of pumps, generally speaking, agricultural pumps accounted for more than half of the total output. 

Pumps are also the most commonly used equipment in the mining and metallurgical industries. The mine needs to use the pump drainage, in the beneficiation, the smelting and the rolling process, needs to use the pump to supply water and so on.

In the power sector, nuclear power stations need nuclear main pumps, secondary pumps, tertiary pumps, thermal power plants need a large number of boiler feed pumps, condensate pumps, oil and gas pumps, circulating water pumps and ash pumps. 

In the national defense construction, the adjustment of the flap, the tail rudder and the landing gear, the rotation of the warship and the tank Turret, the submergence of the submarine and so on all need to use the pump. High pressure and radioactive liquid, some also require the pump without any leakage, etc. 

In short, whether it’s planes, rockets, tanks, submarines, drilling, mining, trains, ships, or daily life, pumps are needed everywhere, pumps are running everywhere. Precisely so, the pump as a general-purpose machinery, it is the machinery industry in a class of major products.